By advocating for policies that strengthen afterschool programming and helping local programs build their capacity to provide high-quality activities and experiences to youth, the Iowa Afterschool Alliance supports afterschool programs at both a systemic and individual level.
Our Work
The Iowa Afterschool Alliance supports the Iowa Network of Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21CCLC) programs through technical assistance and resource sharing.
Check out this infographic on Iowa 21CCLC.
21CCLC is a federal program that funds out-of-school time in Iowa – around $7 million each year. The 21CCLC program is administered by the Iowa Department of Education and focuses on improving literacy and math proficiency of high-need youth. The main components of 21CCLC are academic assistance, such as tutoring and homework assistance; academic enrichment, including STEM, reading, math, and social and emotional learning; and family engagement.
Timeline of Major Iowa 21CCLC Activities:
September – RFA for competitive applications released*
*The IAA and Iowa Department of Education suggest serving as a grant reviewer prior to submitting an application for funding. Please contact Heidi Brown at hbrown@iowaafterschoolalliance.org with your interest in reviewing. -
September – Impact Afterschool Conference (Central Iowa)
December – Competitive applications due to the Iowa Department of Education
January – Peer Review
March/April – New grants announced
April – Summer Workshop
June – New Awardee Orientation
June – Summer Workshop
For more information on 21CCLC in Iowa, please visit the Iowa 21CCLC network’s website and the Iowa Department of Education’s 21CCLC page.