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About us

The Iowa Afterschool Alliance and its work to improve access to high quality out-of-school time programming is supported by passionate staff, a dedicated leadership team, and generous partners.


C.S. Mott Foundation

Based out of Flint, Michigan, the C.S. Mott Foundation invests in the areas of civil society, education, environment, and the Flint area. The Mott Foundation is the foundational funder of the 50-state afterschool networks, of which the Iowa Afterschool Alliance is one.

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Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral

Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral supports and advocates for quality child care throughout the state of Iowa. Our services assist licensed/registered child care programs in complying with state regulations, we work to connect families with quality child care services and we help Iowans to build the supply of quality child care options in communities. Partnering with the Iowa Afterschool Alliance allows for opportunities to ensure Iowa’s vision is met: Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.


Iowa School Age Care Alliance

The Iowa School Age Care Alliance seeks to support out-of-school time professionals to develop their knowledge and skills to support youth in afterschool and summer settings. The Iowa School Age Care Alliance and the Iowa Afterschool Alliance partner throughout the year on professional development opportunities for program leaders and frontline staff.


The Iowa Department of Education is a key partner in ensuring access to high quality out-of-school time programming in Iowa. As the administrative entity overseeing the state’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, the Iowa Department of Education is a significant supporter of the work of the Iowa Afterschool Alliance.


The Iowa Department of Human Services seeks to make a positive difference in the lives of Iowans we serve and works to help Iowans achieve healthy, safe, stable, and self-sufficient lives through the programs and services we provide. The Child Care Bureau, housed within the Adult Children and Family Services Division oversees both state and federal regulatory policy for licensed and registered child care providers and policies related to Child Care Assistance, contracts for Child Care Resource and Referral services across the State, manages the professional development registry, manages the QRIS, and engages with state and local partners on other child care initiatives.

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Iowa State University Extension & Outreach/4-H

Iowa 4-H Youth Development is the premier youth development program of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Providing research-based education to K-12 youth, Iowa 4-H focuses on Healthy Living, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), Leadership and Civic Engagement, and Communication and the Arts. Iowa 4-H builds upon more than a century of experience in positive youth development partnering with youth to help them find their passion. Iowa 4-H strives to increase the quality and quantity of afterschool programs and stands ready to partner with youth serving organizations throughout the state.


The Iowa Children's Museum

The Iowa Children's Museum (ICM) is a learning laboratory where kids can take a hands-on look at the world around them and learn through the Power of Play! Partnerships are an important component of The ICM's mission, and the organization is proud to serve as the fiscal sponsor for the Iowa Afterschool Alliance (IAA) and member of the IAA's Strategic Leadership Team.

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Iowa Women’s Foundation

The Iowa Women’s Foundation (IWF) is the only state-wide organization working to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls through economic self-sufficiency in a targeted and comprehensive way. Through a diversified mix of action and funding, including research, grant-making, advocacy, education and collaboration, IWF partners with local communities to identify, support and advocate for viable lasting community solutions that address and alleviate the barriers to economic success.


Oakridge Neighborhood

For 50 years, Oakridge Neighborhood has created opportunities for thousands of children, adults and families to succeed and become financially independent. It provides a safe neighborhood of supportive housing plus essential programs and services. It is one of the most culturally diverse neighborhoods in Des Moines, with over 66 percent immigrants and refugees from over 23 countries that speak over 29 languages. Of the nearly 1,100 residents who reside on the Oakridge campus, 53 percent are children under the age of 18. Ninety-nine percent of Oakridge Neighborhood residents are low-income. For more information, visit

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Scott County Kids Early Childhood Iowa

The mission of Scott County Kids Early Childhood Iowa is to coordinate and expand the community’s services to enable young children to be physically healthy, intellectually curious, emotionally sound and socially competent. Led by citizens, this partnership of public and private entities provides a continuum of seamless services targeted at helping all children reach their full potential. Central to this mission is a vision realizing better outcomes for the most vulnerable children in Scott County.

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Siouxland Human Investment Partnership (SHIP)

Siouxland Human Investment Partnership (SHIP) is a non-profit organization operating in Sioux City, and serving the tristate Siouxland area. SHIP provides leadership in response to identified community needs, and collaboratively supports the delivery of health, human services, education and safety in Siouxland. SHIP is the Early Childhood Iowa Board for Woodbury and Ida Counties, is the Decategorization (DCAT) Board for Woodbury County, and administers a multitude of Federal State, and local grants and programs. SHIP also administers Beyond the Bell - a before, afterschool and summer program at 25 locations in partnership with the Sioux City Community School District, Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools, and the South Sioux City Community School District. SHIP is a proud partner of the Iowa Afterschool Alliance.

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