Trainings & Events
To achieve its goal of expanding access to high-quality afterschool programs, the Iowa Afterschool Alliance provides professional development and training to help improve and maintain the quality of programming available to children and families.

2020 Agenda
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
21CCLC Directors’ Meeting • Salon A
Lunch is available for $15. Invitation Only.
12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Registration // Lobby
1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Preconference: STEM Programming and How to Align with the Dimensions of Success Framework • Salon B
STEM Active Learning Community Partners
Participate in an in-depth, high-quality, interactive STEM active learning experience using the Dimensions of Success program planning tool! Go home with STEM lesson plans ready to incorporate into your programming. Learn how to incorporate simple strategies that will bring your STEM activities to a higher level of excellence!
Thursday, April 2, 2020
7:30 to 9:00 a.m.
9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Welcome and Opening Comments
Vic Jaras, Iowa Department of Education
Opening Keynote: Impact Teaching and Purposeful Play
Michelle Cummings, Training Wheels
The philosopher Plato was once quoted as saying, “I can learn more about a person in an hour of play than a lifetime of conversation.” In this playnote, Michelle Cummings will share insights and strategies on how to surface behaviors through play, and challenge teachers to think outside their traditional teaching methods with ideas for more experiential methods in their classrooms. Michelle will engage you physically, intellectually and mentally with lots of opportunity for laughter and learning. Attendees will discover how powerful the impact of the value of connection, leadership, and purposeful play have on the participants in your programs.
10:00 to 10:15 a.m.
Break and Visit Exhibitors
10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Workshops
Awesome Icebreakers and Energizers • Salon A
Michelle Cummings, Training Wheels, Inc.
This high-energy, hands-on workshop will teach participants how to play some of the industry’s best icebreakers. Kick off day one with some fun! Icebreakers and energizers need not be just fillers or boredom-breakers; when used effectively, they too can be directly tied to leadership objectives and markedly advance the transfer of learning to the real world..
Community Schools Concept and Impact on Out-of-School Time Learning • Salon B
Lesley Christensen, Timothy Johnson, Cara Edmundson and Sharlene Claytor from Des Moines Public Schools; Lemi Tilahun from Cedar Rapids Community School District; Stephanie Shavers from Operation Threshold in Waterloo
Community Schools are built on four pillars – Integrated Student Support, Expanded Learning Time and Opportunities, Family and Community Engagement, and Collaborative Leadership and practices. Come to learn from Community School experts on how these four pillars are implemented in school and during out-of-school time to support students success.
The Road to Quality Afterschool Programs • Wisconsin Room
Bobbie Jo Sheridan, Des Moines Public Schools
Revving up the standard of quality in afterschool programs is essential for students, families, staff and the communities we serve - but it isn't always smooth sailing! How do we measure quality? How do we cruise toward greater quality? Over the past two years, DMPS Metro Kids program has been on a voyage of evaluating all 30 sites using the QRS system through DHS. We've taken new tools and techniques for a test drive and evaluated our program's quality to ensure continuous improvement at all 30 sites. This session will provide a roadmap of our work and the realization that continuous improvement is more about the journey than the destination.
Art-Lit to Go! Fostering Creativity through Integrated Art and Literacy Experiences • Minnesota Room
Nicole Hanson, ISU Extension and Outreach
Art-Lit to Go! is an innovative Iowa 4-H program that supports the development of art and literacy skills for K-3 children. This informal education program utilizes a range of process-focused and product-focused art experiences to teach children a basic understanding of the foundational art elements of line, shape, color, form, and texture through integrated art-literacy activities. Participants will walk away from this hands-on session with the knowledge needed to develop high-quality art-literacy experiences using the Art-Lit to Go! framework.
11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Working Lunch • Salons A, B, C
IAA Champions and 21CCLC Stars Awards Presentation
Youth Performance: The Hillis Elementary 21CCLC 2020 Musical Cast of "The Jungle Book"
12:45 to 1:00 p.m.
Break and Visit Exhibitors
1:00 to 2:15 p.m.
Volunteer Management 101 • Salon A
Michelle Raymer, Volunteer Iowa
This session will discuss volunteers and how your organization can maximize its potential through these relationships. You’ll learn how to recruit, retain, process, manage, and thank your volunteer force.
Streamline Your Efforts: Boosting Family Engagement • Salon B
Mallory Riesberg, OST Initiative
How many times have you thought about everything on your to-do list and just thought “there is not enough time in the day”? Between program planning, managing a budget, scheduling community partners, working with staff and students, and the millions of other things we do it can be overwhelming to think about anything outside of the afterschool program hours. Often, this can make engaging families a challenge. In this session, we will discuss a variety of family engagement strategies as well as how to streamline your efforts to build the family engagement piece in your programming while providing a meaningful and authentic experience for your students and their families.
STEM 101 – Back to Basics • Wisconsin Room
Theresa Slaughter, OST Initiative
During the session, participants will be led through discussion the basic focus of STEM (STEAM) that will foster learning and engagement in youth. In addition, participants will be able to experience hands-on activities, work individually and in a group setting, and have fun in the process.
Establishing an Inclusive Culture: A Discussion • Minnesota Room
Hannah Morz, OST Initiative; Brian Coffey and Wendy Olinger, Special Olympics
“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what they cannot do,” said Temple Grandin, internationally famous as a spokesperson on autism. In this session we will discuss what inclusion is and how inclusive practices can support you in creating meaningful and authentic experiences for all children and their families.
2:15 to 2:30 p.m.
Break and Visit Exhibitors
2:30 to 3:45 p.m.
Create Your Data Collection Tools! • Salon A
Jessie Stoffel, Chair, 21CCLC Evaluation and Sustainability Committee
Jump deep into the best practices for data collection, evaluation, submission, and sharing! This will be a working session, so BYOL (bring your own laptop) to customize spreadsheets for your programs so you can start collecting data and be ready to report with ease! These simple best practices will be a great resource for understanding details for preparation of required data for local, state and federal reports.
Creating a Culture of Accountability • Salon B
Dawn Cogan, Taylor Noel, Ron Paar from St. Mark’s Youth Enrichment
This is a train-the-trainer presentation which will motivate you to create standards and expectations to uphold students, staff, parents, and administration to greatness. Participants will leave with the skills and knowledge to increase healthy behaviors using positive consequences and social-emotional tools.
Learning in Motion: Active Learning Strategies for Afterschool • Wisconsin Room
Melissa Hostetler, Iowa City Community School District
Participants will have to opportunity to participate in active learning activities and learn about resources for both lesson planning and funding an active learning program.
5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! • Minnesota Room
Lyn Jenkins, 5-2-1-0, EveryStep
This session will provide an overview of the 5-2-1-0 health message and approach as well as a deeper dive into how to support healthy food and beverage choices. This interactive session will explore policies, environments, and programs that can enhance healthy behaviors. Participants will leave with ideas and tools to help make healthy choices easier for kids and families.
3:45 to 4:00 p.m.
Treat Break
4:00 to 5:15 p.m.
Ramp Up Your STEM Program with Dimensions of Success • Salon A
Deb Dunkase and others, STEM Active Learning Community Partners
Experience high-quality STEM active learning using the Dimensions of Success program planning tool! Go home with STEM lesson plans ready to incorporate into your programming.
Experiential Facilitation and Debriefing Skills • Salon B
Cassie Gerst, Burlington Community School Disctrict
This workshop will have participants up and moving as they are led through experiential activities that foster teamwork, leadership, team development, and communication skills. Participants will learn new ways to facilitate activities and improve their debriefing or reflection skills. If you are tired of sitting your students in a circle and asking for their thoughts on real life applications then this workshop is for you!
Summer Camps Impact on Out-Of-School Learning • Wisconsin Room
Michael Johnson, Camp Fire
While the general public looks at summer camp as an opportunity for their kids to have fun while participating in traditional activities like swimming, archery, and arts and crafts, the summer camp community has adjusted their program offerings to address summer learning loss and STEAM initiatives.
Investing in Your Staff • Minnesota Room
Beth Downing, Coralville Parks and Recreation Department
During this session, we dive into hiring, training, mid-semester evaluation formats, improvement plans and end with cost effective thank yous. You should walk away with new found enthusiasm on all things staffing.
Friday, April 3, 2020
7:30 to 8:30 a.m.
Registration Opens • Lobby
Breakfast Available
8:30 to 9:15 a.m. Lightning Round
Working with English Language Learning Families • Salon A
Almardi Abdalla, Oakridge Adult and Family Programs
Oakridge Adult and Family programs designed to help clients, including English Language Learning families, reach self-sufficiency by addressing the roadblocks to employment. Using a dual-generation approach, Oakridge is uniquely positioned to assist clients become self-sufficient by serving the entire family by working closely with Oakridge Youth in the after school program and Oak Academy. Come learn how you can work with ELL families so that your program youth are better supported!
Middle/High School Engagement • Salon B
John Spinks and Christine Carlson, Co-Chairs, and Virginia Kurth, 21CCLC Committee Family Engagement
Join us for a discussion about how to better engage middle and high school aged youth and their families through your 21CCLC program.
Recruiting Youth to Your Program • Wisconsin Room
John Spinks and Christine Carlson, Co-Chairs, and Virginia Kurth, 21CCLC Committee Family Engagement
Join us for a discussion about how to better engage middle and high school aged youth and their families through your 21CCLC program.
Building in Quality Enrichments • Minnesota Room
Megan Bogdan, YouthPort
Learn how to engage community members to help bring quality enrichment activities to your afterschool program.
9:15 to 9:30 a.m.
Break and Visit Exhibitors
9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Lightning Round
Data Reporting 101 • Salon A
Jessie Stoffel, Chair, 21CCLC Evaluation and Sustainability Committee
Get the basic lowdown on how to best collect, evaluate, submit, and share your program data! These simple instructions and best practices will start a solid foundation for understanding how to prepare required data information for local, state and federal reports.
Youth AstroNet Program • Salon B
Erika Wright, Harvard University; Crystal Hall, Iowa Afterschool Alliance
Help your students explore the universe with telescopes you control over the internet! Participants will learn about the core elements of YouthAstroNet and will learn research results.
Sustainability in Afterschool Programming • Wisconsin Room
Dave Welter
The Iowa Afterschool Alliance is reaching out to communities and non-profits to assist in planning for new and established before and after school programs. This presentation will provide information on the structure of high quality before and after school programs, how to assess community needs related to before and after school programming, financing strategies, as well as engaging stakeholders on how to come together to build a solid foundation for programming in your community. The main thread of the interactive conversation will revolve around SUSTAINABILITY.
How Social Emotional Learning Impacts Program Quality • Minnesota Room
Ron Paar and Taylor Noel, Co-Chairs, 21CCLC Program Support Committee
This session is intended to be a discussion centered on possible new subject areas related to current SEL practices with the goal of establishing guidance for future committee meetings.
10:15 to 10:30 a.m.
Break and Visit Exhibitors
10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Seeing is Believing: Conducting a Successful Site Visit with Elected Officials • Salon A
Britney Samuelson, Iowa Afterschool Alliance
Even though lawmakers are constantly making decisions that impact out-of-school time programs, many have never seen an afterschool program in action. You can change that! This session will guide you through the process of setting up a site visit with an elected official that leaves them believing in the power of afterschool.
Public Service Partnerships • Salon B
Jessie Stoffel, Council Bluffs Community School District
Learn about various community partners within the public service circle, and how partnerships have grown
beyond programs. Specifically geared toward partnerships with law enforcement, fire department, and the chamber
of commerce.
Southside Connections • Wisconsin Room
Rachel West, Dom Shirley, and Cara Edmundson, Des Moines Public Schools
This session will describe a unique partnership between Lincoln High School's booster club and the 21CLCC southside elementary schools in Des Moines. This presentation will share the history of the partnership, why it has been beneficial and how to become involved, and how it has impacted youth in programming.
The Role of Afterschool Programming During Natural Disasters • Minnesota Room
Mike Wells and Kate Stocksell, Hamburg Community School District
This session will focus on the 2019 Hamburg Flood and the role the school/21CCLC program played during the immediate emergency and the days that followed. The Hamburg After School Club played a vital role providing three meals per day for families displaced by the flood, collecting and distributing laundry, and helping with the emergency relief center. The session will be an interactive discussion of how empowering students can make a difference during times of crisis.
11:15 to 11:30 a.m.
Break and Visit Exhibitors
11:15 to 11:30 a.m.
Closing Plenary • Salons A, B, C
Poet to Paid: How an After School Activity Became A Lifetime Legacy
Leah Waughtal-Magiera, Des Moines Public Schools
Join us for the closing plenary session offered by Leah Waughtal-Magiera.